The holiday season is here even though in Northern Wisconsin we are lacking are usual amounts of snow. The Christmas cookies have been ... bought and I will not lie some have been eaten.
The sun made an appearance, so I went on a favorite hike to see how Mother Nature decided to decorate for the season.
Ice ornaments were hung with care as the sun highlighted them.
And I Whitnessed the tracks of the Christmas Otter where it slid across the ice not that long ago.
I walked further down the trail when through the trees I spotted an eagle sitting in a tree on the other end of the swamp and I wondered what he was doing there?
As I tried to stealthily get closer for a better photo I noticed the eagel was watching something. On the ice bellow him I saw the Christmas Otter had come out of the ice with what might have been a small fish and the eagle was hoping to steal it.
The egale took flight, the Christmas Otter went back under the ice and I kicked myself for not bringing along a telephoto lens to get a better photo of this amazing experence.
But I had seen the Christmas Otter and felt the warmth of the winter sun as I turned taking the trail back to my car and back home to maybe have one more of the Christmas cookies ... shhh don't tell anyone.