I spent time traveling in the past through the present.
The past was a 1929 New Standard D-5 Biplane, and the present was two weeks ago.
I had gone past the grass airfield with a sign out front reading “Biplane Rides Today” a couple times this summer every time thinking – I should do that!
I woke up early to the sun rising through a cloudless cerulean sky and nonexistent winds and I thought this was the morning for a Biplane ride. I grabbed my cameras and drove the 30 minutes to the grass airfield.
With the exchange of some money, we were off down the grass runway and up over the town of Manitowish Waters.
Then we circled over the cranberry marshes.
Then it was off to enjoy the friendly skies and local topography and lakes of the area.
Then it was time to head back to the grass airfield.
And the thumbs up from my pilot after another successful landing.
Now what for the next adventure?